
Ugly people are better at sex.

I spend about 80% of my free time drinking, and 10% of it in the bathroom. What do I do with the other 10%? Invent ridiculous theories on why we are the way we are, what's wrong with the youth of today, and why I can't stop eating cheese at every meal.

Welcome to my new feature: Barstool Sociology, where I share my infinite wisdom and my inability to be politically correct.

Today's theory: Ugly people are, by default, better at sex.

This one's a no-brainer. In our society, the prettier you are, the less you actually have to do. You can make a career out of looking good all the time. You can date anybody you feel like, and they'll most likely just be in awe that you're willing to be seen with them in public. You can get into clubs for free, you can charm even the most influential of figures without ever opening your mouth. So most people are who beautiful never try, because they never have to.

But, if you're not jaw-droppingly gorgeous, like most of us, you have to cultivate a personality. You have to inure yourself to the people you're pursuing. If you want to sleep with people who are more attractive than you are, you have to be more than a one-trick pony. You have to have at least a few redeeming qualities - maybe sharp wit, good comedic timing, and the ability to offer a partner mind-blowing oral sex.

When we have really good sex, we are thinking one of two things about the person we are with:
  • I am enjoying this because the person I am sleeping with is very attractive.
  • I am enjoying this because the person I am sleeping with is very good at it.
Rarely, very, very rarely, will a person be thinking both things at the same time. And if you ever are, I recommend asking the person to marry you, because it ain't gonna happen again.
Here's the thing: ugly people have to be good at sex, or the more attractive partner that they've been with will never sleep with them again. The worst sex I ever had was with someone whom I slept with out of guilt and desperation. Unsurprisingly, he was also the most physically unattractive person I ever slept with. It was like getting punched in one breast, and then the other. I had to add a mutant of a human to my "list," and I didn't even get my rocks off.  He apparently didn't understand that since he was far more unattractive than I am, he is required to try harder. He was required to work at it if he ever expected me to bear with looking at his hideous face and mediocre body ever again. Needless to say, I spent the next three brutally long months of my life screening my phone calls and ducking out of my dorm room at odd hours.

This paradigm, however, thus makes individuals who are average to slightly above average in attractiveness the ideal partners. If you date someone outrageously gorgeous, you'll be subjecting yourself to dead fish syndrome or a two-pump chump. If you date someone hideous, you'll be subjecting yourself to takeout and Netflix every night because you're too humiliated to be seen in public with them. According to my theory, most individuals need to date someone who is attractive enough that looking at them is enjoyable, but just ugly enough that they are concerned about your eye wandering and will overcompensate in stairwells and friends' bathrooms. Consider all your mating problems solved.