I ain't no hippie. I buy clothes that are most likely made in sweatshops. I enjoy Wendy's chicken nuggets and I've probably unwittingly contributed to the 401(k) of the CEO of R.J. Reynolds. But there are two companies that really infuriate me: Walmart and Ticketmaster.
Now, I know that Walmart basically has America by the balls. I know that there are hundreds, possibly thousands, of towns across America that base their entire economy on their local Walmart: where everyone works and everyone shops. And though I find their employment policies discriminatory and sexist (and I am rooting for the million-strong class action lawsuit against them), I recognize that, conscience be damned, sometimes you have to buy things cheaply and you have to buy them from Walmart.
But there is no excuse for the monopolistic shitpile that is Ticketmaster.
Yesterday, whilst showering, I was contemplated this devil of a corporation. Seth, Joel and I are planning on going to see Peaches (of F**k the Pain Away fame) in a week and a half. We went online on Tuesday to purchase the tickets from LiveNation - and found that two $18 tickets were going to cost us $54 - with a NINE DOLLAR convenience charge PER TICKET. You may not be aware, but Ticketmaster and LiveNation merged in February - creating the single-largest ticketing powerhouse in the world. Ticketmaster already controlled the sale of tickets for more than 80% of the venues in the U.S.
I still cannot understand how they have weaseled their way into this deal, effectively avoiding federal antitrust law. David Balto, on AmericanProgress.org, summed it up best, as follows. The beast that is Ticketmaster & LiveNation now:
- sells most of the concert tickets in this country through its contracts with venues
- manages a significant number of the marquee performers in the world or controls their tours
- owns most of the amphitheatres in the US and owns more 'club' venues, as well as controlling (through owning/leasing) a large amount of other clubs and theatres
- owns two of the major resellers of tickets
- owns various sources of competitively sensitive data
I won't be going to half as many shows as I used to. I guess it doesn't matter anyway, because the new House of Blues fucking sucks.
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